
Summer Shorts: Dress Up & Down

How to wear leather shorts, how to wear printed shorts, Olivia Palermo, street style, spring/summer outfit ideas 2013, denim chambray shirt, printed jacquard shorts, floral ballet flats, burgundy red tote, white shirt, brown leather shorts, cut out sandal,   On Olivia Palermo: Msgm Red and Pink Jacquard Woven shorts, 7 For All Mankind Slim Western Denim Shirt, Pretty Ballerinas floral ballet flats, Westward Leaning sunglasses, Louis Vuitton red duffel bag.   On Olivia Palermo: Zara leather shorts, Fendi 2Jours Medium Tote Bag burgundy, Aquazzura Sexy Thing Suede Cutout Sandal, white shirt; Photos: Olivia Palermo; Courtesy of

We usually think of the shirt and shorts combo as a classic casual outfit choice, Olivia Palermo proved otherwise:

For the left look above, she balanced a casual chambray shirt with luxe, structured jacquard print shorts. As always, she finished off with an unexpected touch, in this case, a fun, summery floral ballet flats. This look is feminine yet fashionable, great for a casual date, a getaway, or downtown stroll.

For the right look above, she dressed up this classic combo by choosing urban chic staples: crisp white button down shirt, leather shorts and suede cut-out heel. This look is office-friendly, yet so easy to transform for night out simply by changing accessories.

As women, we always love leg slimming pieces, the loose shorts on Olivia Palermo are great examples. But this kind of shorts tends to exaggerate our hips, so take a hint from this style savvy, cinch your waist with a belt, which will make you look taller and slimmer.

How will you play with this combo? Share with me!

How to wear leather shorts, how to wear printed shorts, Olivia Palermo, street style, spring/summer outfit ideas 2013, denim chambray shirt, printed jacquard shorts, floral ballet flats, burgundy red tote, white shirt, brown leather shorts, cut out sandal,   On Olivia Palermo: Msgm Red and Pink Jacquard Woven shorts, 7 For All Mankind Slim Western Denim Shirt, Pretty Ballerinas floral ballet flats, Westward Leaning sunglasses, Louis Vuitton red duffel bag.   Alternatives: Current/Elliott The Perfect shirt,  Michael Kors Slim Runway Watch,  Mango metallic embellished skinny belt,  Sam Edelman floral ballet flat,   Saint Laurent 'Duffle 6' Leather Satchel,

1. Current/Elliott The Perfect shirt (on Olivia Palermo on sale here)
2. Westward Leaning sunglasses
3. MSGM Short (similar here & here)
4. Michael Kors slim runway watch
5. Mango embellished skinny belt
6. Sam Edelman flat color ‘Melon’
7. Saint Laurent ‘Duffle 6’ satchel (similar here) 

How to wear leather shorts, how to wear printed shorts, Olivia Palermo, street style, spring/summer outfit ideas 2013, denim chambray shirt, printed jacquard shorts, floral ballet flats, burgundy red tote, white shirt, brown leather shorts, cut out sandal,     On Olivia Palermo: Zara leather shorts, Fendi 2Jours Medium Tote Bag burgundy, Aquazzura Sexy Thing Suede Cutout Sandal, white shirt;   Alternatives: 1. Theory Shirt - Larissa Luxe white shirt,  2. Piper Gore Scarlett Cognac Leather Shorts,  3. Aquazzura Sexy Thing Suede Cutout Sandal,   4. Giorgio Armani 'Rouge d'Armani' Lipstick ,  5. stella & dotLuxor Link Bracelet - Gold,  6. J.Crew Chevron buckle leather belt,  7. Fendi2Jours Medium Tote Bag,

1. Theory Shirt (great buy here & here)
2. Piper Gore leather shorts (under $80 here!)
3. Aquazzura sandal (also here; great alternative here & here)
4. Giorgio Armani lipstick color ‘401’
5. Stella & Dot link bracelet
6. J.Crew leather belt
7. Fendi ‘2Jours’ tote (great alternative here & here)

By Helen Hou

I'm Helen. In the huge fashion world, what attracts me the most is the way different people accessorize themselves. Our daily outfit choices are not just about the pieces we pick, they relate to something lurking deeply within our hearts: how we feel about ourselves, how we express ourselves to the rest of the world, what kind of people do we want to be and what kind of life do we want to live. Following my passion for fashion, I immerse myself in this bizarre world and try my best to share what I learned with you!