Hi! I’m glad you found me and my world! You are more than welcome to stop by anytime!

I’m Helen. I started blogging six years ago. Soon after that, my first kid was born. I started to feel overwhelmed with a busy full time job and a baby. Soon, my second kid came, I had to stop blogging. Fast forward to now, I realized I’m missing something, my passion for fashion is not fulfilled. So this year, I decided to relaunch my website, and dedicated to two of my favorite two categories: Handbags & Shoes. I hope the information you find here can help you in anyway. Thank you for dropping by!  In Chinese: 很幸运在这里和你相遇。其实我6年前就已经建了这个网站,后来两个宝宝陆续出生,再加上一个繁忙的全职工作,你懂得…6年后,而立之年的我意识到在为家庭忙碌的同时,我放弃了自己全部的爱好。今年我重新拾起来,希望这里的讯息能给你我她在买买买的道路上一点启发和帮助。

At the same time, I would love very much to have conversation with you. You are always welcome to email me via [email protected], leave me comments or join me at Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Enjoy your time here!



05. 2018

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