
Update Your Denim

 How to wear denim overalls; midi skirt trend.   Summer Outfit Ideas 2014,

Photos: Olivia Palermo; Courtesy of athens street

A fashionable wardrobe is not completed without denim. For an evergreen material like this, I always look for interesting designs,  like the patchwork effect, lived-in vibe and fun overall silhouette seen on today’s featured denim pieces. I love how Olivia Palermo used this humble fabric to offset her graceful midi skirt, chic pinstripe shirt and glamorous metallic accessories, resulting two effortlessly chic outfits that are great for many summer activities: from a Sunday brunch, to a drive-in movie night, anywhere you want to stay comfortable with glamour.

In Chinese:   每一个时尚达人的衣橱里一定少不了各式的牛仔单品。对于这种不退流行的经典元素,就要在设计和剪裁上寻找新意,比如今天的这些牛仔单品上看到的不同水洗色的拼接完美的做旧效果以及正流行的连体廓形等等。牛仔的经典在于它和任何材质都可以混搭,从秋冬的皮草到春夏的雪纺。奥利维亚·巴勒莫 (Olivia Palermo)就用低调的牛仔来平衡这几季流行的大伞裙,用童趣的背带裤中和男士衬衫的硬朗。这两个造型舒适又有型,适合很多夏日活动,比如约会或看汽车电影等。

How to wear denim overalls; midi skirt trend.   Summer Outfit Ideas 2014,  Shirt: Mother All My Exes denim shirt (similar on sale here)  Bag: DVF 440 Envelope Embossed Lizard Clutch  Sunglasses: kate spade new york Kia Square Tortoise Sunglasses, Cream/Black  Skirt:  Tibi ULTRA MATTE POPLIN FULL SKIRT (similar here & here)  Shoe: Steven Nuvess Ankle Strap Sandals (love this pair)  Bangle: Kate Spade New York 'idiom - heart of gold' bangle'idiom - heart of gold' bangle

Shirt: Mother (similar on sale here)
Bag: DVF
Sunglasses:Kate Spade New York
Skirt:  Tibi (similar here & here)
Shoe: Steven (love this pair)
Bangle: Kate Spade New York

How to wear denim overalls; midi skirt trend.   Summer Outfit Ideas 2014,  Sunglasses: Westward Leaning N9.2. Color Revolution Sunglasses in Blue and White  Overalls: Siwy Jessie Slouchy Short Overalls (yes, it's the on Palermo; also here)  Shirt: J.Crew STRETCH PERFECT SHIRT IN CLASSIC STRIPE (extra 40% off with HOTOUT; another great style here)  Bag: Topshop Faux Leather Backpack  Bangle: Nadri  Shoe: Salvatore Ferragamo 'Varina' Leather Flat (also here; under $100 here)

Sunglasses: Westward Leaning
Overalls: Siwy (yes, it’s the one on Palermo; also here)
Shirt: J.Crew (extra 40% off with HOTOUT; another great style here)
Bag: Topshop
Bangle: Nadri
Shoe: Salvatore Ferragamo (also here; under $100 here)