
1930s Glamour

How to wear the metallic fashion trend; night out outfits 2014Photos: Kate Moss & Nicole Richie; Courtesy of Xposure Photos, US Vogue.

At first glance, it may seem like the two stars are stepping out from a 30s movie, especially with the bias cut maxi gown Kate Moss wore which she designed for Topshop since their last collaboration four years ago. Besides Topshop’s website and stores, Nordstrom and Net-A-Porter also carry Kate Moss’ collection. Some pieces have already sold out, get your hands on before they’re gone!

Back to the stunning bias-cut dress on the supermodel, this special and widely loved cut is first created by Madeleine Vionnet, populared by prominent designers like Coco Chanel, Gilbert Adrian and Claire McCardell. Dresses with this cut fluidly drape over women’s body, achieving the rare balance of elegant and seductive.

A bias-cut slip dress is truly a classic piece that never goes out of style.  Above, Kate Moss paired hers with a fringe jacket and sandals for an old-hollywood glamorous look, while Nicole Richie added a modern and subversive spin with sleek pointy toe pump, prim up-do, black manicure and minimal jewelry.

In Chinese: 乍看这两个造型好像是直接从30年代的电影里走出来的,尤其是凯特·摩丝(Kate Moss)的这条斜裁的吊带长裙和奠定了好莱坞风格的著名设计师吉尔伯特·艾德里安 (Gilbert Adrian)为当时的女明星们设计的裙子极其相似。这种斜裁是由另一位从不画草图、直接操刀的传奇女设计师玛德琳·薇欧奈 (Madeleine Vionnet)首创,不仅艾德里安将它发扬光大,而且像可可·香奈儿、克莱尔·麦卡德尔 (Claire McCardell)等都设计过这种剪裁的晚礼服。独特的斜裁加上丝滑的面料凸显女性的柔美曲线,典雅又性感,是值得投资、不会过时的单品。

凯特·摩丝(Kate Moss)所穿的这条是她目前为平价品牌Topshop设计的系列中的一款 (她所配的流苏小衫也是其中的一件),在Topshop的官网有售,另外大的零售店像Nordstrom, and net- a porter也引入了这次的合作系列。这是她继四年前和Topshop的首度合作之后的第二次,几件抢手的款式已经脱销。在售完前快去看看吧! bias cut slip dress, kate moss for topshop collection, Beaded Fringe Jacket, Christian Louboutin Icone A Clous Sandals

1. Kate Moss for Topshop jacket
2. Kate Moss for Topshop dress (sold out on Topshop, but currently available here)
3. Charlotte Olympia sandal
4. Ippolita earrings (similar here)

How to wear the metallic fashion trend; night out outfits 2014 featured:  1. Jessica McClintock Tuxedo Flap Clutch  2. Kate Moss for Topshop Lame Bias Cut Maxi Dress (sold out on Topshop, but currently available here)  3. MICHAEL Michael Kors Elisa Pump (also LOVE this rose-gold version!)  4. Leighton Denny nail polish in 'Maneater' & Yves Saint Laurent nail lacquer #29

1. Jessica McClintock clutch
2. Kate Moss for Topshop dress (sold out on Topshop, but currently available here)
3. MICHAEL Michael Kors pump (also LOVE this rose-gold version!)
4. Leighton Denny nail polish in ‘Maneater’ & Yves Saint Laurent #29
5. Maria Black bracelet

My favorites from Kate Moss’ collection:

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Retro Flair

spring 2014 color trend: blue; Taylor Swift street stylePhoto: Taylor Swift; Courtesy of facebook/ILoveTaySwift.

Combined new trend (the hot indigo blue) with retro elements, like the ladylike shoulder bag that she seems can’t-live-without and dressy oxfords, plus her signature red lips, Taylor Swift showed us how to catch up with trends while staying true to ourselves.

In Chinese: 在自己的日常着装中引入一两个应季的流行元素是保持潮感又不会看起来太过的好贴士,就像小天后泰勒·斯维芙特(Taylor Swift)示范的,这一季大热的靛蓝恰到好处地和她一贯复古的装扮以及标志性的红唇融合在一起。 Swift wearing a blue Michael Kors Dress shirt, Dolce & Gabbana 'Agagta',Sam Edelman Cutout Oxfords,Ray-Ban Wayfarer sunglasses

Clockwise from top left:
M2Malletier clutch (finally back in stock! on Taylor Swift here)
MICHAEL Michael Kors shirt dress (similar on sale here & here)
Ray-Ban ‘Wayfarer’ sunglasses
Stila ‘stay all day’ lipstick in ‘Fiery’
Qupid Pump

My favorite investment worthy bags:

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Sunday Craving Craving Graphic Tees, Christopher Kane, RED Valentino and more

As temperature rises, the key to dressing chic without the layers is choosing pieces that are versatile and full of character. A great and affordable choice is graphic tee. It stands alone thanks to the eye-catching patterns and text messages, also serves as a fun touch when worn under a blazer. Above are some of my favorites this season..

In Chinese: 天气渐渐热起来,没有层叠的混搭可以玩,保持潮感的关键就在于选择有性格、吸引眼球的单品了,涂鸦T恤就是一个不贵、又有无穷拓展空间的好选择。有趣或大胆的图案、标语单穿就很有存在感,搭在西装外套里也给正式严肃的造型增加些趣味。这几件是我最喜欢的。

Clockwise from top left:
Christopher Kane (also here)
RED Valentino
Tee And Cake
Mother of Pearl