
Lady Goes Sporty

How to wear sneakers;  Miranda Kerr, Casual Attire, Celebrity Airport Style,Models off Duty,spring/summer, sneakers, denim shirt, leather pantsPhotos: Miranda Kerr; Courtesy of

Why I love the looks: Gone are the days when you wore sneakers, you weren’t allowed in clubs and fancy restaurants, now the most stylish women are in sneakers.

Style Tip: 
Sneakers can be worn with almost anything this season: from leather pants to cocktail dresses to suits, the key is picking the right pair, high-fashion one it is (hints: check the end of this post).
Unless you wear sneakers for workout, don’t pair them with sporty pieces, opposites are attractive.

In Chinese: 随着运动风的盛行以及舒适理念在时尚圈的流行,过去不登大雅之堂的球鞋现在成了时尚圈的宠儿。从礼服裙到西装到皮裤,球鞋几乎可以和任何造型混搭。当然不是所有的球鞋,是经过“时尚工厂”加工的,这篇博文的最后有我最喜欢的几款。另外如果不是真的去运动,穿球鞋时就不要再搭配运动风格的单品了,出人意料的混搭才精彩。

How to recreate the looks: 

How to wear sneakers;  Miranda Kerr, Casual Attire, Celebrity Airport Style,Models off Duty,spring/summer, sneakers, denim shirt, leather pants Featured: 1. Karen Walker Super Duper Strength Sunglasses (also here)  2. Citizens of Humanity Rocket Leatherette Jeans (my favorite coated denim!)  3. AG Adriano Goldschmied Dakota Denim Shirt  4. Reebok SKYSCAPE RUNAROUND  5. Stila 'stay all day' liquid lipstick in 'Fiore'

1. Jamie Wolf ring (similar here; the stunning design on Miranda Kerr here!)
2. Joie cardigan
3. Nike capris
4.  James Perse tee
5. Reebok sneaker
6. Stila lipstick in ‘Fiore’

How to wear sneakers;  Miranda Kerr, Casual Attire, Celebrity Airport Style,Models off Duty,spring/summer, sneakers, denim shirt, leather pants Featured: 1. Karen Walker Super Duper Strength Sunglasses (also here)  2. Citizens of Humanity Rocket Leatherette Jeans (my favorite coated denim!)  3. AG Adriano Goldschmied Dakota Denim Shirt  4. Reebok SKYSCAPE RUNAROUND  5. Stila 'stay all day' liquid lipstick in 'Fiore'

1. Karen Walker sunglasses (also here)
2. Citizens of Humanity jeans (my favorite coated denim!)
3. AG Adriano Goldschmied shirt
4. Reebok sneaker
5. Stila lipstick in ‘Fiore’

Key piece:


Color Infusion

how to wear leather pants,  Cold-Weather Outfit Ideas,    On Olivia Palermo: Zara Coat with Leather Sleeve, Moncler Amelle Vest, Givenchy Black Leather Croc-Embossed Antigona Duffle Bag, Topshop Moto Red Coated Leigh Jeans, Zara Leather Sneaker Boots with Edging;  On Kendall Jenner:  blue suede ankle boots from TOPSHOP, black leather pants, black coat and black Celine crossbody bagPhotos: Olivia Palermo & Kendall Jenner; Courtesy of

A splash of color can instantly brighten up gloomy winter days, like Olivia Palermo’s blood red jeans and rising star Kendall Jenner’s striking cobalt blue suede booties. With a streamlined coat, these looks are chic yet comfy. Best part? When the temperature rises, simply take the coat off, you are spring-ready.

In Chinese: 纽约的春天依然遥遥无期,给你的换季衣橱里加些色彩点亮心情吧!像这两个造型里Olivia Palermo的红色紧腿裤和卡戴珊家族里正冉冉升起的小明星Kendall Jenner脚上的这双宝蓝色的麂皮踝靴。舒适的鞋子配上利落的大衣,保暖又有型。气温回升时,只要去掉大衣,里面的搭配就能让你美美地迎接暖春。这么实用的穿搭,快自己试试看吧!

how to wear leather pants,  Cold-Weather Outfit Ideas,  On Olivia Palermo: Zara Coat with Leather Sleeve, Moncler Amelle Vest, Givenchy Black Leather Croc-Embossed Antigona Duffle Bag, Topshop Moto Red Coated Leigh Jeans, Zara Leather Sneaker Boots with Edging;    featured:  Clockwise from top left:  Charlotte Simone Emerald Fur Scarf Cuff (similar on sale here)  ASOS Coat With Leather Look Sleeves  BLK DNM5 POCKET SKINNY LEATHER PANT IN BLOOD RED (alternative here & here)  Milly Blake Medium Satchel Time's Arrow Gongola Serpent Julian Duffel (on Olivia Palermo here)  BLK DNM 6 cotton-blend fleece sweatshirt ($53 here)  Ash 'Cool' Sneaker (also here)

Clockwise from top left:
Charlotte Simone fur scarf (similar on sale here)
Asos leather sleeve coat
Blk Dnm skinny leather pant (alternative here & here)
Milly Blake satchel (on Olivia Palermo here)
Blk Dnm sweatshirt ($53 here)
Ash ‘Cool’ sneaker (also here)

how to wear leather pants,  Cold-Weather Outfit Ideas,  On Kendall Jenner:  blue suede ankle boots from TOPSHOP, black leather pants, black coat and black Celine crossbody bag.   featured:  Clockwise from top left:  Zoe Karssen I Will Break Your Heart cotton and modal-blend T-shirt  Sonia by Sonia Rykiel Longline Mannish Coat in Double Jersey (another great buy on sale here)  CHAN LUU Cashmere and silk-blend scarf  Topshop ABA POINTED ANKLE BOOTS  Citizens of HumanityRACER LEATHERETTE JEANS  COACH 'Bleecker - Mini Riley' Leather Crossbody Bag

Clockwise from top left:
Zoe Karssen T-shirt
Sonia by Sonia Rykiel longline Mannish coat (another great buy on sale here)
Chan Luu cashmere and silk-blend scarf
Topshop ABA pointed ankle boots
Citizens of Humanity Racer Leatherette Jeans
Coach ‘Bleecker – Mini Riley’ bag


Dress for Zero-Degree

How to Dress for Zero-Degree Temperatures; How to Wear a Parka; Photos: Gisele Bundchen & Miranda Kerr; Courtesy of

 I have love-hate relationship with parkas, need them when it’s freezing cold outside while challenged when it comes to styling. Today’s two looks inspired me, I love how Gisele Bundchen kept hers sleek and sexy with skinny jeans, killer booties and an It bag, envy how Miranda Kerr made the impossible combination of super comfy and super chic by mixing sweatpants and sneakers with covetable Hermes and sultry red lips.

In Chinese: 我对风雪衣既爱又恨,寒冬里离不开它,穿时却很难搭配出时尚感。如果你也一样,今天的这两个look能给我们些灵感:Gisele Bundchen选了酷帅的军绿色,配上修身仔裤拼接的皮革踝靴IT包,颇有硬朗又性感的都市风。Miranda Kerr则混搭了休闲的运动裤、运动鞋与让人垂涎的爱马仕包和她标志性的红唇。How to Dress for Zero-Degree Temperatures; How to Wear a Parka;  featured: Earrings: ginette_ny Mini Lotus Stud Earrings,  Bag:  Givenchy Lucrezia duffel Bag,  Jacket: FAY padded jacket,  Jeans: J Brand Maria High Rise Powerstretch Legging Jeans,  Boots: CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN canassone boots,

From left to right:
Earrings: Ginette_NY (similar here)
Bag:  Givenchy ‘Lucrezia’
Jacket: FAY (on sale; similar here)
Jeans: J Brand
Boots: Christian Louboutin (similar here & here)

How to Dress for Zero-Degree Temperatures; How to Wear a Parka;  featured: ISABEL MARANT The Bekett leather and suede concealed wedge sneakers,  Hermes Etoupe Epsom Kelly Bag,  Rag & Bone Floppy Brim Fedora – Black,  Canada Goose Kensington Parka,  jcrew skinny sweatpants,  Equipment 'Asher' V-Neck Cashmere Sweater,

From left to right:
Jacket: Canada Goose (also here & here; similar here)
Bag: Hermes ‘Kelly’ (great alternative here & here)
Hat: Rag & Bone ($50 here)
Sweater: Equipment (last seen on her here)
Pants: Old Navy
Shoes: Isabel Marant (also here; similar here)