
Modernize Your Floral Dress

How to wear floral print dresses; celebrity street style  2014; spring/summer outfit ideas

Photos: Selena Gomez & Rosie Huntington-Whiteley; Courtesy of FameFlynet Pictures, INFPhoto.

Floral prints are as classic as stripes and polka dots. They have been embraced by people of all ages (from teenage girls to their grandmas). Since some floral patterns do have the potential to make us look tacky, I always look for those with a retro flare and a sophisticated color palette, like the two featured below. Then use modern and edgy accessories to add urban chicness to the look. The on-trend birkenstock, mesh booties, streamlined bag and cat-eye sunglasses seen on today’s featured stars are the best illustrations.

In Chinese: 花朵是和条纹、圆点一样经典的图案,而且老少皆宜。但是花朵穿不好容易显得俗气。我个人喜欢寻找那些色调淡雅的有复古风情的印花单品,比如下面看到的这两条裙子,搭配上有现代感的元素形成冲突。今天的这两位偶像身上看到的勃肯鞋网纱踝靴简约的两用包以及猫眼太阳镜等就是这种混搭的最好诠释。

How to wear floral print dresses; celebrity street style  2014; spring/summer outfit ideas, Clockwise from top left:  Dress: TOPSHOP Boutique Floral Print Silk Shift Dress (100% silk! love the retro print and flippy hem; similar silhouette here)  Hair mist: Lavett & Chin Sea Salt/Texturizing hair mist, 175ml  Sunglasses: Dior 'Mohotani' 58mm Cat Eye Sunglasses (similar here)  Bag: Coach Borough Bag in size 'Petite' (modern simplicity!)  Shoe: BCBG Max Azria Gamma Mesh Booties

Clockwise from top left:
Dress: Topshop Boutique (100% silk! love the retro print and flippy hem; similar shape here)
Hair mist: Lavett & Chin
Sunglasses: Dior (on sale! similar here)
Bag: Coach in size petite (modern simplicity!)
Shoe: BCBG Max Azria (more colors here!)

How to wear floral print dresses; celebrity street style  2014; spring/summer outfit ideas, Clockwise from top left:  Sunglasses: Tom Ford 'Whitney' 64mm Open Side Sunglasses  Dress: AUGUST SALT Isla V-Neck Maxi Dress  (on sale!)  Shoe: Birkenstock Sydney by Papillio  Bag: kate spade new york 'cedar street - maise' satchel

Clockwise from top left:
Sunglasses: Tom Ford
Dress: August Salt (on sale!)
Shoe: Birkenstock
Bag: Kate Spade New York


A New Way To Style Your Shirtdress

How to wear shirtdress, celebrity street style  2014; spring/summer 2014 outfit ideas

Photos: Olivia Palermo; Courtesy of Rex Features.

A new way to wear your shirtdress: leave it open from the waist down, showing off a pair of eye-catching shorts, which adds dimension and details to the look, also gives the soft and preppy shirtdress a trench-coat-alike chicness. Finish off the look with sexy lace up sandals and gold accents to balance out the menswear inspired outfit.

Modified versions of the classic white button-down are definitely on-trend now.  Beside this one by ‘T-master’ Alexander Wang, I also suggest this affordable and versatile version which can be layered with anything from shorts to skirts and pants. 

In Chinese: 介绍一个衬衫裙的新穿法:把腰部以下的扣子打开,搭配上短裤或裤裙。这种穿法赋予了柔和的衬衫裙以风衣一样的酷感,同时丰富了整体造型的层次。一双蛇皮的绑带细高跟鞋金色的配饰为中性元素的服装加入了恰到好处的杀伤力。

这一季设计师们对经典的白衬衫做了很多有设计感的改良。如果你觉得Olivia Palermo身上的这件及膝的衬衫裙不好驾驭,那就试试这件平价、前卫又百搭的新品吧!无论是和短裤、不同长度的裙装还是裤装搭配,都会很有范儿。

How to wear shirtdress, celebrity street style  2014; spring/summer 2014 outfit ideas,   Clockwise from top left:   Shirtdress: T by Alexander Wang Cotton Poplin Long Sleeve Shirtdress (also love this!)  Eyeshadow: Estée Lauder 'Pure Color Envy' Sculpting Eyeshadow Palette  Watch: Michael Kors Sport Watch  Belt: B-Low The Belt Baby Colette Belt (similar here)  Shorts: Sanctuary Soft Private Ben Short  Sandal: Aquazzura Amazon elaphe sandals (in a beautiful grey color here! similar style here & here)

Clockwise from top left:
Shirtdress: T by Alexander Wang (also love this!)
Eyeshadow: Estée Lauder
Watch: Michael Kors
Belt: B-Low (similar here)
Shorts: Sanctuary
Sandal: Aquazzura (in a beautiful grey color here! similar here & here)


Wear Crop Tops At Any Age

How to wear crop tops at any ages; Fashion trend: Matching pieces

Photos: Reese Witherspoon & Taylor Swift; Courtesy of INFphoto, Pacific Coast News.

Crop tops are everywhere now. Last time I shared two casual, relaxed outfits incorporated this trend, today I picked two feminine and girly looks: one is from 38-year-old sweet mommy Reese Witherspoon, another is from 24-year-old Taylor Swift. Reese Witherspoon kept hers tasteful and age-appropriate with the seamless transition and peek-a-boo effect, while young starlet Taylor Swift fully embraced the trend with a much shorter top, fun accessories and carefree confidence!

In Chinese:  人人都在穿短款上衣了!上次我分享了两个很休闲随性的造型,今天我选了两个完全相反,非常女人味的搭配,而且她们代表了不同年龄段的人:38岁的甜美妈咪瑞茜·威瑟斯彭(Reese Witherspoon)和24岁的乐坛小天后泰勒·史薇芙特(Taylor Swift) 。瑞茜·威瑟斯彭选择了稍长的款式,搭配上高腰的裙子,只巧妙地通过镂空设计对这个露脐潮流做出符合自己年纪和风格的诠释。身材热辣的泰勒·史薇芙特则大胆地露出蛮腰和长腿,糖果色的配件更增加了甜美和年轻感。

How to wear crop tops at any ages; Fashion trend: Matching pieces Clockwise from top left:  Sunglasses: Tory Burch Eclectic Sunglasses  Lovers + Friends Monica Rose Lucia Crop Top & matching skirt (great alternative here! similar top here)  Bag: Tory Burch 'Small Savannah' Print Canvas Tote (on Reese Witherspoon here)  Shoe: MICHAEL Michael Kors 'Joselle' Sandal (another super duper comfortable pair here!)  Cuff: Alexis Bittar Geometric Ribbon Cuff Bracelet (similar here)

Clockwise from top left:
Tory Burch sunglasses
Lovers + Friends crop top (similar here) & matching skirt (great alternative here! )
Tory Burch tote (on Reese Witherspoon here)
MICHAEL Michael Kors sandal (another super duper comfortable pair here!)
Alexis Bittar cuff bracelet (similar here)

How to wear crop tops at any ages; Fashion trend: Matching pieces Clockwise from top left:  Alice + Olivia crop top (also here; similar here) & matching  Skirt - Davis Pleated Tweed (also here & here here)  bag: Karen Walker Benah for Karen Walker Sloane Mini Satchel (similar here  here)  Shoe: Nicholas Kirkwood bright-pink Fawn pumps  Dior Crayon Waterproof Eyeliner (investment-worthy here!)

Clockwise from top left:
Alice + Olivia crop top (also here; similar here) & matching  skirt (also here)
Benah for Karen Walker satchel (similar here  here)
Nicholas Kirkwood pumps (investment-worthy here!)
Dior waterproof eyeliner