
Modernize Your Floral Dress

How to wear floral print dresses; celebrity street style  2014; spring/summer outfit ideas

Photos: Selena Gomez & Rosie Huntington-Whiteley; Courtesy of FameFlynet Pictures, INFPhoto.

Floral prints are as classic as stripes and polka dots. They have been embraced by people of all ages (from teenage girls to their grandmas). Since some floral patterns do have the potential to make us look tacky, I always look for those with a retro flare and a sophisticated color palette, like the two featured below. Then use modern and edgy accessories to add urban chicness to the look. The on-trend birkenstock, mesh booties, streamlined bag and cat-eye sunglasses seen on today’s featured stars are the best illustrations.

In Chinese: 花朵是和条纹、圆点一样经典的图案,而且老少皆宜。但是花朵穿不好容易显得俗气。我个人喜欢寻找那些色调淡雅的有复古风情的印花单品,比如下面看到的这两条裙子,搭配上有现代感的元素形成冲突。今天的这两位偶像身上看到的勃肯鞋网纱踝靴简约的两用包以及猫眼太阳镜等就是这种混搭的最好诠释。

How to wear floral print dresses; celebrity street style  2014; spring/summer outfit ideas, Clockwise from top left:  Dress: TOPSHOP Boutique Floral Print Silk Shift Dress (100% silk! love the retro print and flippy hem; similar silhouette here)  Hair mist: Lavett & Chin Sea Salt/Texturizing hair mist, 175ml  Sunglasses: Dior 'Mohotani' 58mm Cat Eye Sunglasses (similar here)  Bag: Coach Borough Bag in size 'Petite' (modern simplicity!)  Shoe: BCBG Max Azria Gamma Mesh Booties

Clockwise from top left:
Dress: Topshop Boutique (100% silk! love the retro print and flippy hem; similar shape here)
Hair mist: Lavett & Chin
Sunglasses: Dior (on sale! similar here)
Bag: Coach in size petite (modern simplicity!)
Shoe: BCBG Max Azria (more colors here!)

How to wear floral print dresses; celebrity street style  2014; spring/summer outfit ideas, Clockwise from top left:  Sunglasses: Tom Ford 'Whitney' 64mm Open Side Sunglasses  Dress: AUGUST SALT Isla V-Neck Maxi Dress  (on sale!)  Shoe: Birkenstock Sydney by Papillio  Bag: kate spade new york 'cedar street - maise' satchel

Clockwise from top left:
Sunglasses: Tom Ford
Dress: August Salt (on sale!)
Shoe: Birkenstock
Bag: Kate Spade New York


Bright Spring Coats

2014 spring coats; How to wear a bright coat; Celebrity Maternity Style,    On ELLE FANNING Paris Fashion Week: Christopher Kane sheer button up shirt,  Miu Miu 56mm Sunnies, Miu Miu ‘Madras’ shoulder bag, Miu Miu ‘Donna’ jeweled pumps, Topshop Oversized Wool Boyfriend Coat On Gwen Stefani: orange coat, skinny jeans,heels, fedora, cat eye sunglasses.  Photos: Elle Fanning & Gwen Stefani; Courtesy of

A bright coat is so cheerful and uplifting! It instantly makes our wardrobe basics, like tees and jeans, look fresh and spring-ready. As you can see above, under 20 Elle Fanning chose sheer-panel blouse and distressed jeans to make her look youthful while 44 year old hot mom Gwen Stefani stayed comfy yet pulled together with maternity skinnies and long top. These looks are great for the office, shopping, hanging out with friends and more…You can also switch the pants to shorts or skirts to create more equally chic ensembles.

In Chinese: 色彩有神奇的疗愈和传递能量的力量。一件亮色的外套能瞬间给我们带来好心情,也让简单的T恤和牛仔裤变得更吸引眼球。像上面的这两个造型:不到20岁却在好莱坞和时尚界都炙手可热的Elle Fanning用有透视元素的衬衫破洞牛仔裤给她的绿色箱型大衣和彩色铆钉包鞋加入了年轻感;44岁的辣妈和乐坛天后Gwen Stefani则用舒适的长上衣牛仔裤使她的孕期出街舒适又时尚。这两个搭配不分年纪,而且适合不那么严肃的办公室、购物或和朋友聚餐等很多场合。把牛仔裤换成短裤或裙子还可以衍生出更多变化。

2014 spring coats; How to wear a bright coat; Celebrity Maternity Style,  On ELLE FANNING Paris Fashion Week: Christopher Kane sheer button up shirt,  Miu Miu 56mm Sunnies, Miu Miu ‘Madras’ shoulder bag, Miu Miu ‘Donna’ jeweled pumps, Topshop Oversized Wool Boyfriend Coat   Featured:  1. Topshop Oversized Wool Boyfriend Coat (also here; similar here & here here)   2. Lavish Alice Sleeveless Shirt with Sheer Panel  3. Rag & Bone/JEAN The Skinny Jeans  4. Prada Oversized Retro Sunglasses  5. Rebecca Minkoff 'Amorous' Satchel (on Elle Fanning here)  6. Miu Miu Donna Jeweled Suede Pumps (also here; similar here & here)

1. Topshop coat (also here; similar here & here)
2. Lavish Alice shirt
3. Rag & Bone jeans
4. Prada sunglasses
5. Rebecca Minkoff satchel (on Elle Fanning here)
6. Miu Miu pumps (also here; similar here & here)

2014 spring coats; How to wear a bright coat; Celebrity Maternity Style,  On Gwen Stefani: orange coat, skinny jeans,heels, fedora, cat eye sunglasses.    Featured:  1. sheinside Yellow Bowknot Front H-line Simple Wool Blend Coat  2. Eileen Fisher Long Silk Tank (great layering piece that last for year! similar here)  3. J Brand '811' Skinny Stretch Jeans (materny style here)  4. Gucci 57mm Oversized Sunglasses (on here)  5. Loeffler Randall Rider Bag (lovely mini size here!)  6. Chinese Laundry La Paz Tribal Strap Sandal

1. Sheinsideccoat
2. Eileen Fisher tank (great layering piece that lasts for years! similar here)
3. J Brand jeans (maternity style here)
4. Gucci sunglasses (on Gwen Stefani here)
5. Loeffler Randall bag (lovely mini size here!)
6. Chinese Laundry sandal