
Modernize Your Floral Dress

How to wear floral print dresses; celebrity street style  2014; spring/summer outfit ideas

Photos: Selena Gomez & Rosie Huntington-Whiteley; Courtesy of FameFlynet Pictures, INFPhoto.

Floral prints are as classic as stripes and polka dots. They have been embraced by people of all ages (from teenage girls to their grandmas). Since some floral patterns do have the potential to make us look tacky, I always look for those with a retro flare and a sophisticated color palette, like the two featured below. Then use modern and edgy accessories to add urban chicness to the look. The on-trend birkenstock, mesh booties, streamlined bag and cat-eye sunglasses seen on today’s featured stars are the best illustrations.

In Chinese: 花朵是和条纹、圆点一样经典的图案,而且老少皆宜。但是花朵穿不好容易显得俗气。我个人喜欢寻找那些色调淡雅的有复古风情的印花单品,比如下面看到的这两条裙子,搭配上有现代感的元素形成冲突。今天的这两位偶像身上看到的勃肯鞋网纱踝靴简约的两用包以及猫眼太阳镜等就是这种混搭的最好诠释。

How to wear floral print dresses; celebrity street style  2014; spring/summer outfit ideas, Clockwise from top left:  Dress: TOPSHOP Boutique Floral Print Silk Shift Dress (100% silk! love the retro print and flippy hem; similar silhouette here)  Hair mist: Lavett & Chin Sea Salt/Texturizing hair mist, 175ml  Sunglasses: Dior 'Mohotani' 58mm Cat Eye Sunglasses (similar here)  Bag: Coach Borough Bag in size 'Petite' (modern simplicity!)  Shoe: BCBG Max Azria Gamma Mesh Booties

Clockwise from top left:
Dress: Topshop Boutique (100% silk! love the retro print and flippy hem; similar shape here)
Hair mist: Lavett & Chin
Sunglasses: Dior (on sale! similar here)
Bag: Coach in size petite (modern simplicity!)
Shoe: BCBG Max Azria (more colors here!)

How to wear floral print dresses; celebrity street style  2014; spring/summer outfit ideas, Clockwise from top left:  Sunglasses: Tom Ford 'Whitney' 64mm Open Side Sunglasses  Dress: AUGUST SALT Isla V-Neck Maxi Dress  (on sale!)  Shoe: Birkenstock Sydney by Papillio  Bag: kate spade new york 'cedar street - maise' satchel

Clockwise from top left:
Sunglasses: Tom Ford
Dress: August Salt (on sale!)
Shoe: Birkenstock
Bag: Kate Spade New York


A New Way To Style Your Shirtdress

How to wear shirtdress, celebrity street style  2014; spring/summer 2014 outfit ideas

Photos: Olivia Palermo; Courtesy of Rex Features.

A new way to wear your shirtdress: leave it open from the waist down, showing off a pair of eye-catching shorts, which adds dimension and details to the look, also gives the soft and preppy shirtdress a trench-coat-alike chicness. Finish off the look with sexy lace up sandals and gold accents to balance out the menswear inspired outfit.

Modified versions of the classic white button-down are definitely on-trend now.  Beside this one by ‘T-master’ Alexander Wang, I also suggest this affordable and versatile version which can be layered with anything from shorts to skirts and pants. 

In Chinese: 介绍一个衬衫裙的新穿法:把腰部以下的扣子打开,搭配上短裤或裤裙。这种穿法赋予了柔和的衬衫裙以风衣一样的酷感,同时丰富了整体造型的层次。一双蛇皮的绑带细高跟鞋金色的配饰为中性元素的服装加入了恰到好处的杀伤力。

这一季设计师们对经典的白衬衫做了很多有设计感的改良。如果你觉得Olivia Palermo身上的这件及膝的衬衫裙不好驾驭,那就试试这件平价、前卫又百搭的新品吧!无论是和短裤、不同长度的裙装还是裤装搭配,都会很有范儿。

How to wear shirtdress, celebrity street style  2014; spring/summer 2014 outfit ideas,   Clockwise from top left:   Shirtdress: T by Alexander Wang Cotton Poplin Long Sleeve Shirtdress (also love this!)  Eyeshadow: Estée Lauder 'Pure Color Envy' Sculpting Eyeshadow Palette  Watch: Michael Kors Sport Watch  Belt: B-Low The Belt Baby Colette Belt (similar here)  Shorts: Sanctuary Soft Private Ben Short  Sandal: Aquazzura Amazon elaphe sandals (in a beautiful grey color here! similar style here & here)

Clockwise from top left:
Shirtdress: T by Alexander Wang (also love this!)
Eyeshadow: Estée Lauder
Watch: Michael Kors
Belt: B-Low (similar here)
Shorts: Sanctuary
Sandal: Aquazzura (in a beautiful grey color here! similar here & here)


Leather Jacket: Day To Night

How to wear leather jacket, celebrity street style; models off duty looks, fall/winter outfit ideas, Tricks for transforming an outfit from day to night,

Photos: Kate Moss & Alessandra Ambrosio; Courtesy of Splash News, Xposure Photos.

With the quickly dropped temperature, my leather jacket is on heavy rotation again. When looking for inspirations to restyle mine, these two outfits caught my eyes. With the same formula–leather jacket + skinny jeans–and different accessories, Alessandra Ambrosio made hers comfy and day-time appropriate, while Kate Moss looked cool and chic for a fun night.

Leather jacket is definitely a must-have for every woman’s wardrobe and I’m always looking for that perfect one. My current obsession is this beauty by Vivienne Westwood: The blazer-like lapels give it formalness and urban sophistication; the cropped back design is super flattering; The contrast of leather and felt add details and lux vibe. Best of all? The lapel is removable for a whole new look!

In Chinese: 天气转凉后我最常穿的单品就是皮衣了。这几天在寻找一些皮衣的实用搭配灵感时,我又被以前收藏的两个超模的街拍造型吸引了。这两个造型的基础都是皮夹克加紧身牛仔裤,但通过不同的配件的搭配,一个随性舒适,非常适合白天外出,另一个性感酷帅,晚上约会或参加派对时保暖又有型。

皮衣是每个女人的衣橱必备。最近我爱上了西太后设计的这一件,看起来很像西装外套的长领片让它比机车皮衣多了份精致和都会感。 前长后短的设计非常修饰身形,皮和毛毡的拼接很有层次感。我最喜欢的是它的领片可以拆掉,变成另一个完全不同,更为简约的感觉。一衣两穿,品质和设计感兼备,让衣橱空间和服装预算都有限的我一见倾心。

How to wear leather jacket, celebrity street style; models off duty looks, fall/winter outfit ideas, Tricks for transforming an outfit from day to night,   Jacket: Vivienne Westwood Anglomania 'Renee' jacket (also here; similar here & here)  Jeans: J Brand 915 Super Skinny Legging Jeans (last seen here)  Accessories for day:   1Prada 'Baroque' 55mm Round Sunglasses  2MICHAEL Michael Kors 'Large Selma' Zip-Top Satchel  3Frye 'Carson' Ballet Flat  4Gorjana Circle Necklace    Accessories for night:   1Oscar de la Renta's substantial gold-plated cocktail ring  2Gucci leopard print silk satin voile stole (similar here)  3Rebecca Minkoff Love Cross Body Bag  4Joe's 'Barry' Studded Ankle Bootie (two more great options here & here!)

Jacket: Vivienne Westwood (also here; similar here & here)
Jeans: J Brand (last seen here)

Accessories for day: 
Prada ‘Baroque’ sunglasses
MICHAEL Michael Kors Selma’ satchel (on Alessandra Ambrosio here)
Frye ‘Carson’ flat
Gorjana circle necklace

Accessories for night: 
Oscar de la Renta cocktail ring
Gucci leopard stole (similar here)
Rebecca Minkoff Love bag (more colors here & here)
Joe’s ‘Barry’ ankle bootie (two great buy here & here!)