Photos: Taylor Swift & Olivia Palermo; Courtesy of AKM-GSI, OliviaPalermo.com.
Lines have a great impact on camouflaging or enhancing our body shape. The effect is most clearly highlighted by high-contrasting stripes. Take this striped dress on Taylor Swift for example: the variegated lines, combined with strategically placed black side panels, result a visually slimming look.
Accessories, once again, played a big part in their outfits: a demure, sophisticated handbag and cool, retro oxford pumps balanced the sexiness of Taylor Swift’s mini body-con dress, while Olivia Palermo chose a structured colorblock satchel and lux calf-hair print slipper to elevate the casualness of her stripe tee.
In Chinese: 线条对整体着装的影响很大,对比强烈的条纹尤其能说明这一点。拿小天后泰勒·斯维芙特(Taylor Swift)的这条裙子来说吧:它的条纹从胸线以下变得密集起来,再加上侧边黑色的拼接,视觉上非常显瘦。
除了线条的作用,这两个造型再一次提醒了我们配饰的影响力:泰勒·斯维芙特(Taylor Swift)优雅的裸色方包和学院风的牛津包鞋平衡了她包身迷你短裙的性感;奥利维亚·巴勒莫 (Olivia Palermo)则用有趣又有正式感的撞色手包和波纹马毛鞋提升条纹T恤的休闲感。

Clockwise from top left:
Lipstick: Stila in ‘Fiery’
Dress: Topshop (yes, it’s the one on Swift; also here)
Shoe: Yves Saint Laurent (on sale! similar here & here)
Bag: Prada (6 more colors here! similar here)

Clockwise from top left:
Top: Loft (another great style here!)
Sunglasses: MICHAEL Michael Kors
Nail polish: Christian Louboutin (A color that took the designer three years to perfect!)
Shorts: Each Other (similar here, included in the 70% off + extra 25% off Tibi sale!)
Belt: B-Low
Shoe: Saint Laurent (similar here & here)
Bag: C.Blau (a great colorblock satchel on sale here!)