
Spring Bloom: Floral Coat & Embroidered Loafer

Olivia Palermo at London Fashion Week Matthew Williamson Jacquard floral coat, Dior sunglasses, alexander mcqueen loaferPhotos: Olivia Palermo; Courtesy of WENN.

I’ve alway loved the idea of wearing a coat as a dress, so when I saw this coat, which is made just like a dress with the pretty print, cinched waist and flared skirt, how could I resist?

It’s hard to style floral pieces fresh, modern and young, the key is accessories. Here, Olivia Palermo added an expected touch with another floral print. Her trendy sunglasses and minimalist clutch and jewelry elevated the whole look.

In Chinese: 把大衣当裙子穿,总是别有一番风味。这件大衣有着裙装所具有的一切:漂亮的印花、收紧的腰线以及A形的裙摆,却又不失风衣的率性。印花搭配不好很容易显俗气,除了选择当季的布料外,配件非常重要。比如今天的这个造型,奥利维亚·巴勒莫利用鞋子混搭了两种不同的花朵图案,当下最流行的迪奥的太阳镜以及简洁的手包和配饰也使整身造型不落俗套。

Olivia Palermo inspired look-Jacquard floral coat, Dior sunglasses, emboriedered loaferClockwise from top left:

Coat: Red Valentino (also here)

Sunglasses: Dior (on sale!)

Bag: Jil Sander

Shoe: Jon Josef

By Helen Hou

I'm Helen. In the huge fashion world, what attracts me the most is the way different people accessorize themselves. Our daily outfit choices are not just about the pieces we pick, they relate to something lurking deeply within our hearts: how we feel about ourselves, how we express ourselves to the rest of the world, what kind of people do we want to be and what kind of life do we want to live. Following my passion for fashion, I immerse myself in this bizarre world and try my best to share what I learned with you!