
One Step Into Fall

How to wear crop tops into fall; celebrity street style; late summer/early fall outfit ideas 2014;

Photos: Taylor Swift; Courtesy of AKM-GSI.

Beautiful Autumn season is on the horizon, a great way to stay one step ahead while enduring the last heat wave of summer is through accessories: Ankle boots are great to toughen up your breezy summer dresses and shorts while keeping your look grounded. And nothing says fall more than a beautiful bordeaux colored handbag. As the temperature drops, you can add jacket, coat, and tights accordingly, rocking this look through fall.

In Chinese: 夏末秋初,怎么在最后的热浪里加入一点秋天的感觉?向越来越受时尚圈欢迎的乐坛天后泰勒·斯维芙特(Taylor Swift)学一招最简单的做法吧–从配饰着手!棕色的踝靴既有金秋的意味,又能给飘逸的花裙或短裤加入冲突的平衡美。最后用酒红色的手包来呼应鞋子的分量感。随着天气转凉,你还可以在这套造型的基础上加上夹克、大衣、打底裤等,把它从夏末一直穿到深秋。

How to wear crop tops into fall; celebrity street style; late summer/early fall outfit ideas 2014;  Clockwise from top left:  Top: Tibi crop top  Lip: Charlotte Tilbury The Vintage Vamp  Skort: Tibi IBIS SKORT (on sale!) Shoe: Frye 'Patty' Leather Riding Bootie  Bag: Kate Spade New York 'branton square - mills' satchel (on Taylor Swift here)


Clockwise from top left:
Top: Tibi
Lip: Charlotte
Skort: Tibi (on sale!)
Shoe: Frye
Bag: Kate Spade New York (on Taylor Swift here)


Office Chic: White Pants

Chic work outfit ideas; celebrity street style; spring/summer 2014 outfit ideas; white pants style

Photos: LeAnn Rimes & Jessica Alba; Courtesy of Wire Image, GC Images.

Last time I shared a great office outfit idea. Today, I have two more to help you beat the Monday blues, both incorporated a work wardrobe staple for warm weather: the white pants. LeAnn Rimes went for a sleek, slim version to offset her printed wrap blouse, while Jessica Alba opted for a dramatic, on-trend version and tamed it with a well-fitted pinstripe shirt. The sophisticated neutral palettes are office-friendly too.

In Chinese: 上次我分享了一个自己非常喜欢的上班族造型,今天又看到两个很优雅又有范的搭配,希望能帮助你舒缓即将面对另个繁忙工作周的压力。这两个明星都选了一件春夏上班族必不可少的单品——白色长裤。黎安·莱姆斯(Margaret LeAnn Rimes)选择了简约的修身西裤来衬托作为造型重点的印花衬衫;杰西卡·阿尔芭(Jessica Alba)则把白色的阔腿裤作为造型的中心,用低调的衬衫来平衡阔腿裤的强大气场。这两个造型里看到的黑白灰等优雅的中性色也是办公场合的绝佳选择。

Chic work outfit ideas; celebrity street style; spring/summer 2014 outfit ideas; white pants style;   Clockwise from top left:   L'Agence Long-Sleeve Shawl Collar Blouse (great alternative here & here)  Kate Spade New York 'idiom - heart of gold' bangle  Tory Burch 'Callie' Seamed Crop Pants (love the small slits in the hems!)  Calvin Klein Allena

Clockwise from top left:
L’Agence shawl collar blouse (great alternative here & here)
Kate Spade New York gold bangle
Tory Burch ‘Callie’ pants (love the small slits in the hems!)
Calvin Klein Allena sandal

Chic work outfit ideas; celebrity street style; spring/summer 2014 outfit ideas; white pants style;   Clockwise from top left:   Clockwise from top left:   Theory 'Perfect' Pinstripe Shirt  MICHAEL Michael Kors Hamilton studded leather and printed calf hair tote (another great buy here! on Jessica Alba here)  Alice + Olivia Eric pants (similar on sale here)  BP. 'Springs Wedge' Sandal (on Jessica Alba here)

Clockwise from top left:
Theory ‘Perfect’ shirt
MICHAEL Michael Kors tote (another great buy here! on Jessica Alba here)
Alice + Olivia Eric pants (similar under $80 here)
BP. wedge sandal (on Jessica Alba here)


A Match Made in Heaven

How to wear crop tops; celebrity street style; spring/summer 2014 outfit ideas.

Photos: Jessica Alba; Courtesy of AKM-GSI.

The crop top and high waist midi skirt combo is a match made in heaven. When you think a zesty citrus skirt is already enough, hot mommy Jessica Alba thinks otherwise. She took it to another level with a pair of three dimensional sandals and bold graphic tote, which turned the look from sweet n’ pretty to goth chic.

In Chinese: 短上衣和高腰伞裙是完美的组合。如果你觉得拼接的条纹款加上亮橘色的长裙已经够抢眼了,看看辣妈杰西卡·奥尔芭(Jessica Alba)的这个让人眼前一亮的造型吧:她用富有趣味的几何图案拼接手包和黑色的立体雕花高跟鞋给一个极富女人味的组合注入了哥特式的酷感。

How to wear crop tops; celebrity street style; spring/summer 2014 outfit ideas.  Top: GREYLIN CASEY STRIPED CROPPED TOP  Skirt: Booboo Arianna Plain Full Circle Midi Skirt  Shoe: kate spade new york 'daria' sandal (lusting over this pair for fall!)  Bag: MICHAEL Michael Kors Hamilton studded leather and printed calf hair tote (on Jessica Alba here!)  Accessories: Pandora Sterling Silver Charm Bracelet 2kate spade new york 'imelda' cutout nappa leather pump

Top: Greylin
Skirt: Boo Boo
Shoe: Kate Spade New York (also here; lusting over this pair for fall!)
Bag: MICHAEL Michael Kors (on Jessica Alba here)
Accessories: Pandora silver bracelet & Chanel nail polish