Photos: Taylor Swift; Courtesy of AKM-GSI.
Beautiful Autumn season is on the horizon, a great way to stay one step ahead while enduring the last heat wave of summer is through accessories: Ankle boots are great to toughen up your breezy summer dresses and shorts while keeping your look grounded. And nothing says fall more than a beautiful bordeaux colored handbag. As the temperature drops, you can add jacket, coat, and tights accordingly, rocking this look through fall.
In Chinese: 夏末秋初,怎么在最后的热浪里加入一点秋天的感觉?向越来越受时尚圈欢迎的乐坛天后泰勒·斯维芙特(Taylor Swift)学一招最简单的做法吧–从配饰着手!棕色的踝靴既有金秋的意味,又能给飘逸的花裙或短裤加入冲突的平衡美。最后用酒红色的手包来呼应鞋子的分量感。随着天气转凉,你还可以在这套造型的基础上加上夹克、大衣、打底裤等,把它从夏末一直穿到深秋。
Clockwise from top left:
Top: Tibi
Lip: Charlotte
Skort: Tibi (on sale!)
Shoe: Frye
Bag: Kate Spade New York (on Taylor Swift here)