
Double Bloom: Printed Blouse & Colored Bag

how to wear printed shirts;how to wear bright colored handbags;Heidi Klum,Miranda Kerr; street style;floral printed blouse, black skinny jeans, black pump, yellow bag, leopard printed shirt, blue skinny jeans, black ballet flats, yellow crossbody bag, oversized cat eye sunglasses. On Heidi Klum:black and white floral printed blouse, Paige black skinny jeans, Christian Louboutin black pumps, Michael Kors Miranda Pebbled yellow Tote, clear aviator sunglasses, embellished belt; On Miranda Kerr: Equipment Brett Silk Shirt in Bright Leopard Print, Nobody blue skinny jeans, Givenchy ballet flats, MICHAEL Michael Kors Selma Messenger yellow crossbody bag, Chanel oversized cat eye sunglasses,Photos: Heidi Klum & Miranda Kerr; Courtesy of

A printed silk blouse and simple skinny jeans result a go-to outfit that’s incredibly versatile and effortlessly chic: With sexy shoes and a cheerful bag, it’s great for date night; With a tailored blazer and basic pump, it’s office friendly; With a hands-free crossbody bag and comfy ballet flat, it’s perfect for running errands or traveling.

As you can see from the looks above, this “uniform” is not only great for many occasion, but also great to wear year round: For spring/summer, all you need is bright accessories (like the sunny yellow bag on both stars) and fabulous sunglasses; For fall/winter, swap the fats/heels for boots and finish it off with your favorite coat.

how to wear printed shirts;how to wear bright colored handbags;Heidi Klum,Miranda Kerr; street style;floral printed blouse, black skinny jeans, black pump, yellow bag, leopard printed shirt, blue skinny jeans, black ballet flats, yellow crossbody bag, oversized cat eye sunglasses. On Heidi Klum:black and white floral printed blouse, Paige black skinny jeans, Christian Louboutin black pumps, Michael Kors Miranda Pebbled yellow Tote, clear aviator sunglasses, embellished belt; Alternatives: Pierre Balmain floral print silk blouse,  Rag & Bone/JEAN High Rise Skinny Jeans,  Kate Spade New York Licorice black patent leather pump,    Mulberry Eliza studded belt

Top: Pierre Balmain (great buy here & here)
Jeans: Rag & Bone/JEAN (similar here & here)
Shoes: Kate Spade New York (the CL version on Heidi Klum here)
Bag: Michael Kors (great alternative here!)
Belt: Mulberry (on sale; similar here)

how to wear printed shirts;how to wear bright colored handbags;Heidi Klum,Miranda Kerr; street style;floral printed blouse, black skinny jeans, black pump, yellow bag, leopard printed shirt, blue skinny jeans, black ballet flats, yellow crossbody bag, oversized cat eye sunglasses.   On Miranda Kerr: Equipment Brett Silk Shirt in Bright Leopard Print, Nobody blue skinny jeans, Givenchy ballet flats, MICHAEL Michael Kors Selma Messenger yellow crossbody bag, Chanel oversized cat eye sunglasses, Alternatives:   DL1961 Emma Legging Jeans,   Tory Burch Eddie Ballet Flats,  CHANEL  BLACK WITH SILVER EDGING sunglasses

Top: Equipment (also here; $23 here)
Jeans: DL1961
Shoes: Tory Burch (similar here)
Bag: MICHAEL Michael Kors (also here; great style here)
Sunglasses: Chanel