
Summer To Fall Transition: Leather Jacket

How to wear a leather biker jacket, how to wear leopard,   how to wear slipper loafer,  Miranda Kerr,street style, fall/winter,fashion week,  On Miranda Kerr:Givenchy Antigona Satchel Bag Medium,   Frame denim Le Skinny de Jeanne Jeans,Givenchy black   ballet flat, Oliver Peoples aviator sunglasses, black   tank top, red lip color, On Miranda Kerr: Balmain Leather biker jacket,Oliver   Peoples aviator sunglasses,balmain grey suede bag,   balmain black belt, Prada leopard loafer, white tank top;Photos: Miranda Kerr; Courtesy of

Tank top and comfy jeans/shorts are our go-to pieces for summer. An outerwear is all we need to transform the combo for fall: Throw on a leather moto jacket for a tough, cool-girl look; Go for a structured blazer for a polished, office-friendly look; Top off with a trench coat for a classic, urban chic look; Or opt for an army/bomber jacket for that casual, sporty & carefree vibe.

Classic basic pieces also create the perfect canvas for accessories: add flirty prints or bright colors through your shoes or makeup; or highlight an enviable “It” bag.



How to wear a leather biker jacket, how to wear leopard,   how to wear slipper loafer,  Miranda Kerr,street style, fall/winter,fashion week, On Miranda Kerr: Balmain Leather biker jacket,Oliver   Peoples aviator sunglasses,balmain grey suede bag,   balmain black belt, Prada leopard loafer, white tank top;  On Miranda Kerr:Givenchy Antigona Satchel Bag Medium,   Frame denim Le Skinny de Jeanne Jeans,Givenchy black   ballet flat, Oliver Peoples aviator sunglasses, black   tank top, red lip color,   Also featured:  Alexander Wang Rockie Duffel Bag

Jacket: Balmain (similar here & here)
Jeans: Frame Denim (similar here)
Shoes: Prada (great buy here & here)
Bag: Alexander Wang (similar here)
Sunglasses: Oliver Peoples (great alternative here)

How to wear a leather biker jacket, how to wear leopard,   how to wear slipper loafer,  Miranda Kerr,street style, fall/winter,fashion week, On Miranda Kerr: Balmain Leather biker jacket,Oliver   Peoples aviator sunglasses,balmain grey suede bag,   balmain black belt, Prada leopard loafer, white tank top;  On Miranda Kerr:Givenchy Antigona Satchel Bag Medium,   Frame denim Le Skinny de Jeanne Jeans,Givenchy black   ballet flat, Oliver Peoples aviator sunglasses, black   tank top, red lip color,   Also featured:  Tory BurchEddie Ballet Flats,   T by Alexander WangClassic Tank with Pocket,  Bobbi Brown Creamy Matte Lip Color,

Top: T by Alexander Wang (50% off here!)
Jeans: Frame Denim (similar here)
Shoes: Tory Burch (also here; great buy here & here)
Bag: Givenchy “Antigona” (similar here)
Sunglasses: Oliver Peoples (great alternative here)
Lip: Bobbi Brown in ‘Red Carpet’

By Helen Hou

I'm Helen. In the huge fashion world, what attracts me the most is the way different people accessorize themselves. Our daily outfit choices are not just about the pieces we pick, they relate to something lurking deeply within our hearts: how we feel about ourselves, how we express ourselves to the rest of the world, what kind of people do we want to be and what kind of life do we want to live. Following my passion for fashion, I immerse myself in this bizarre world and try my best to share what I learned with you!