
Modern Maxi: Simple Palette & High Impact

how to wear maxi dresses; black and white trend; monochrome look;  On Jessica Alba:Sam & Lavi plaid maxi dress, Simone Camille bag,  Jennifer Meyer Personalized Nameplate gold necklace, black fedora, black sandal. On street style:halter neck dress, white sandal, black clutchPhotos: Jessica Alba & street style; Courtesy of

As a perennial piece, maxi dress is definitely a trusty staple that we can count on for many occasions: from formal events to summer soirees to afternoon strolls. To make it feel more current and new, instead of thinking bohemian and romantic outfits, go with a modern, Gothic vibe:

Right-on-trend high contrast black and white can give any romantic print a contemporary twist, like this understated one with Art Nouveau blossoms. Classic stripes and tie dye effect print are also great options.

Also, pay attention to details: Halter neckline can perfectly highlight your collarbone and shoulders, adding just right amount of sexy allure; Shell and anchor motifs add whimsical touch and juxtaposition to classic nautical stripes; A centered knot can create rippling texture to a wild, tie dye print.

Lastly, use accessories to enhance the modern vibe: on-trend white add-ons with gold embellishment, chic fedoraoversized sunglasses, from sidewalk and boardwalk satchel, or simple, dainty and personal jewelries.

These two looks are great for women of any age, and are super easy to transform for many coming summer activities. Also, the classic and versatile color palette on these featured dresses can take you into fall/winter stylishly.

 how to wear maxi dresses; black and white trend; monochrome look;  On Jessica Alba:Sam & Lavi plaid maxi dress, Simone Camille bag,  Jennifer Meyer Personalized Nameplate gold necklace, black fedora, black sandal. Alternatives:  Emma Cook Peach Sailor Stripes and floral Silk Maxi Dress,   Tory Burch ROBINSON MOCHILA MIDDY SATCHEL printed,  MICHAEL Michael Kors t strap 'Hamilton' Sandal,  FOREVER 21 Braided black Straw Fedora,  Jennifer Meyer Personalized Nameplate - Yellow Gold 2 Sided ,  Jennifer Zeuner JewelryMini 1/2" Heart Necklace with Diamond,  Roberto Coin 'Tiny Treasures' Key Necklace,

Dress: Emma Cook (great style here; on Jessica Alba on sale here)
Bag: Tory Burch (on Jessica Alba here)
Shoes: MICHAEL Michael Kors
Hat: Forever 21
Necklace: Jennifer Zeuner heart necklaceJennifer Meyer personalized nameplate (great alternative here!)

Other great options for you to recreate Jessica Alba’s effortless chic look:

how to wear maxi dresses; black and white trend; monochrome look;  Featured: Young Fabulous & Broke Aphrodite Rio Wash Maxi Dress,  bebe - Tie Front Stripe Maxi Dress - Black/White,  Necessary Clothing In Line Maxi - Black/White,

From left:
Young Fabulous & Broke (or this version)
Bebe (the mix of stripes is so flattering!)
Necessary Clothing

how to wear maxi dresses; black and white trend; monochrome look;   On street style:halter neck dress, white sandal, black clutch Alternatives:  Wallis Black And White Stripe Maxi Dress,   DV by Dolce Vita white strap sandals,   Tory Burch Reva Oversized black Clutch ,  Marc by Marc Jacobs Polarized Oversized Sunglasses,

Dress: Wallis 
Shoes: DV by Dolce Vita ($47!)
Bag: Tory Burch (also here)
Sunglasses: Marc by Marc Jacobs

Other great options for you to recreate her laid-back sophisticated look:

how to wear maxi dresses; black and white trend; monochrome look;  Featured: Jessica Simpson Scalloped Back Print Maxi Dress,  ReissReiss Alla GECKO PRINT SILK MAXI DRESS,  PiamitaZelda printed silk maxi dress,

From left:
Jessica Simpson (adore the neckline; check out the cut-out back!)
Piamita (60% off now!)

By Helen Hou

I'm Helen. In the huge fashion world, what attracts me the most is the way different people accessorize themselves. Our daily outfit choices are not just about the pieces we pick, they relate to something lurking deeply within our hearts: how we feel about ourselves, how we express ourselves to the rest of the world, what kind of people do we want to be and what kind of life do we want to live. Following my passion for fashion, I immerse myself in this bizarre world and try my best to share what I learned with you!