
Look Fabulous On Your Date

How to wear the midi skirt trend, celebrity street style  2014; models off duty looks; spring/summer outfit ideas,

Photos: Miranda Kerr; Courtesy of INFphoto, Splash News.

Thinking of what to wear on your coming weekend date? Look no further than Miranda Kerr. This style maven knows her assets well and hasn’t strayed from what suits her best. For casual off-duty looks, she often chooses structured blazers, skinny jeans and comfy flats. When dressing up, more often than not, you will see her in body-hugging dresses paired with sleek pumps and her signature red lip.

In Chinese: 如果你周末有约会,正烦恼穿什么,米兰达·可儿(Miranda Kerr)的这几个造型你一定不要错过。聪明的她清楚自己的身材优点,无论潮流怎么变,她总会巧妙地坚持最能展现身型的搭配。休闲的场合,她最常穿的是西装外套加上紧身牛仔裤和舒适的平底鞋。需要精心打扮的时候,你多半会看到她选择像这两个造型里看到的包身窄裙,配上简约的尖头高跟鞋和她标志性的红唇。

How to wear the midi skirt trend, celebrity street style  2014; models off duty looks; spring/summer outfit ideas,    Clockwise from top left:  Miu miu sunglasses (great alternative here!)  Nicholas EXCLUSIVE Bonded Silk Leg Slit Dress (similar here & here)  Stuart Weitzman Onview PVC/Patent Pointed-Toe Pump, Adobe (on Miranda Kerr here)  Burberry 'Medium Banner' House Check Leather Tote (similar here)

 Clockwise from top left:
Miu miu sunglasses (great alternative here)
Nicholas silk dress (similar here & here)
Stuart Weitzman PVC/leather pump (on Miranda Kerr here)
Burberry ‘Banner’ tote (similar here)

How to wear the midi skirt trend, celebrity street style  2014; models off duty looks; spring/summer outfit ideas,    Clockwise from top left:  Clover Canyon print Skirt (great alternative here & here) Tibi SIGNATURE SILK CAMI (similar here!) Kurt Geiger London Britton Suede Pumps (similar here & here) Rebecca Minkoff Perry Satchel (on sale! a great alternative to IT bag 'Antigona')  Gorjana Vista Necklace (also on sale now!)

 Clockwise from top left:
Clover Canyon print skirt (great alternative here & here)
Tibi signature silk cami (similar here)
Kurt Geiger suede pumps (similar here & here)
Rebecca Minkoff Perry satchel (on sale! a great alternative to the ‘IT bag Antigona‘)
 Gorjana Vista necklace (also on sale now!)

By Helen Hou

I'm Helen. In the huge fashion world, what attracts me the most is the way different people accessorize themselves. Our daily outfit choices are not just about the pieces we pick, they relate to something lurking deeply within our hearts: how we feel about ourselves, how we express ourselves to the rest of the world, what kind of people do we want to be and what kind of life do we want to live. Following my passion for fashion, I immerse myself in this bizarre world and try my best to share what I learned with you!