Photos: Alessandra Ambrosio; Courtesy of Splash News.
On my trip to Miami, this look was my outfit inspiration: A white leather jacket is such a fresh and unexpected alternative to the denim or black leather version we would normally choose. It also helped me a lot when shopping in freezing cold Bal Harbour Shops while looking cool and summer friendly. By combining the relaxed Tee with shorts and teaming the distressed jeans with silk cami and heels, these pieces worn on airport are still on duty during my stay which greatly saved my suitcase space.
In Chinese: 我前几天在迈阿密的度假就是借鉴了超模亚历山大·安布罗休(Alessandra Ambrosio)的这个造型。比起我们通常在机场会见的黑色皮衣或牛仔外套,白色的机车皮衣保暖的同时不失夏天的清爽,而且在当地超级冷的Bal Harbour shops血拼时也派上了大用场。随性的T恤和破洞牛仔裤的舒适搭配最适合旅行。到了目的地还可以继续穿搭: T恤侧边挽个结,就是酷酷的沙滩遮盖衣,配上牛仔短裤就可以去海洋馆或Art Deco逛。破洞牛仔裤搭配上丝质的吊带小衫和高跟鞋,晚上去酒吧也很适合,大大减少了我需要带的衣服的数量,节省了行李空间。
Top: T by Alexander Wang
Jacket: Anine Bing (similar here & here)
Lip: Ellis Faas #104
Jeans: Frame
Headphones: Frends (love them! One in each color please!)
Shoe: Ash (on sale! several small sizes left here)
Bag: Marni (great alternative here & here)