
Summer Shorts: White Denim & Exotic Top (Part III)

How to wear white shorts, how to wear printed top, summer outfit ideas 2013, street style,  Featured: white denim shorts, Heidi Klum, snake print top, white denim shorts, Gizeh sandal, white crossbody bag, mirror sunglasses, Alessandra Ambrosio, degrade blouse, blue bag, t strap sandal,    On Heidi Klum: Equipment Riley Tee, white denim shorts, MICHAEL Michael Kors Studded Bag, Birkenstock Gizeh sandal, white hat, aviator sunglasses. On Alessandra Ambrosio: Black Orchid white denim shorts,  Alice + Olivia Embossed Leather Bag, Two By Vince Camuto Ombre shirt, aviator sunglasses, T strap sandal.Photos: Heidi Klum & Alessandra Ambrosio; Courtesy of

As you can see from above, we moved from classic blue to crisp white today! How can we get through summer without a perfect pair of white shorts? They just make everything instantly summer-ready, even the dark black or warm brown.

The pure, clean color makes a perfect canvas for beautiful printed tops, be it a bold animal print version like the one on Heidi Klum (above left) or an tropical ombre shirt like seen on Alessandra Ambrosio (above right) which slightly dresses up the look, makes you stand out effortlessly.

Instead of wearing ankle boots that we usually do with blue denim, team your fresh white shorts with sandals: casual Gizeh version for a laid-back weekend or embellished strappy ones for hanging out with friends or a casual date.

To let all eyes focus on your top, pay attention to the accessories: they need to compliment your clothing without competing. The best way to do so is to keep them in a similar color family of your clothing, like the two stars did here: one chose earthy brown and warm gold to go with the white, another opted for cool blue and silver.

The art of accessorizing-street style,  white denim shorts, Heidi Klum, snake print top, studded bag

Top: Equipment (also here)
Shorts: Current/Elliott (great style on sale here & here)
Shoes: Birkenstock
Bag: MICHAEL Michael Kors (great alternative here & here)
Sunglasses: Ray-Ban
Hat: Columbia

How to wear white shorts, how to wear printed top, summer outfit ideas 2013, street style,   On Alessandra Ambrosio: Black Orchid white denim shorts,  Alice + Olivia Embossed Leather Bag, Two By Vince Camuto Ombre shirt, aviator sunglasses, T strap sandal.  Alternatives: Ray-Ban mirrored 3025 Aviator Original sunglasses,  Dooney & Bourke Amazon Extended Zip Zip Satchel,   Current/Elliott The Boyfriend Shorts,  Sam Edelman blue sandal,  ACNE Pat degrade blouse,

Top: Acne (similar here & here)
Shorts: Current/Elliott (great style on sale here & here)
Shoes: Sam Edelman (also here; featured here)
Bag: Dooney & Bourke (similar here; on Alessandra Ambrosio here)
Sunglasses: Ray-Ban (also here; $20 here!)

By Helen Hou

I'm Helen. In the huge fashion world, what attracts me the most is the way different people accessorize themselves. Our daily outfit choices are not just about the pieces we pick, they relate to something lurking deeply within our hearts: how we feel about ourselves, how we express ourselves to the rest of the world, what kind of people do we want to be and what kind of life do we want to live. Following my passion for fashion, I immerse myself in this bizarre world and try my best to share what I learned with you!